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Plywood is an integral part of home decors. Even though it may seem like an ordinary piece of wood, it has so many applications in interior design. Therefore, it is very essential to choose the right plywood for the right task. But how would you know whether it is the right choice? Your job is simplified when you buy from reputed brands. This blog post will highlight the top 10 plywood brands in Chennai to help you make an informed purchase decision.

Most interior designers in Chennai prefer either one of the following ten brands because of their product quality and varieties.


1 - Greenply

Greenply began its journey in the plywood industry in 1990 under the name of Mittal Laminates Private Limited and became Greenply in 1996. From then on, it has achieved many milestones and has got wide acclaim for its plywood products. It is a hallmark brand that produces the following Products:

  • Decorative Laminates

  • Plywood

  • Decorative Veneers

  • Doors

Products: Green, Optima G, Ecotech, Jansathi, Bharosa Ply

Thickness: 4 mm | 6 mm | 9 mm | 12 mm | 16 mm | 19 mm | 25 mm


Phone no: 1800-103-4050


2 - Crownply

Crownply has been in the plywood business for more than a decade and has earned a separate identity among architects and interior designers. Their biggest strength lies in the quality and the variety of their products. The company focuses on keeping up with the latest market trend to consistently produce durable plywoods for its customers. It produces high-quality BWP, MR, and Marine-grade plywood.

This brand is highly preferred by the best interior designers in Chennai because of its durable product line.

Products: Crownply Gold, Crownply Silver

Available size: 8’ x 4’

Thickness: 6 mm | 16 mm | 18 mm


Phone no: 7200605027


3 - Century Ply

Century Ply has a strong global presence as it exports to 21 countries. It was the first ISO 9002 company for plywood and veneers. Century Ply is also recognized in the Top 100 valuable brands in India.

Products: Club Prime Plywood, Sainik Ply, Architect Plywood, Centuryply Elasto

Thickness: 4 mm | 6 mm | 9 mm | 12 mm | 16 mm | 19 mm | 25 mm


Phone no: 1800-5722-122


4 - Kitply

Kitply operates throughout the countries with 5 factories and 16 sales offices. It is one of the renowned brands in the plywood and blockboard space. From its inception, they have always been setting new standards with plywood production processes.

Products: Swastik Gold, Kitply Gold, Swastik Plus, Densified, Vista, Royale


Phone no: 9432494324


5 - Duro Ply

Duro Ply was founded in 1957 and has been one of the prestigious brands selling Blockboards, Plywood, veneers, and doors.

Products: Duro Titanium, Titanium Plus, Pumaply Club, Tower Ply, Duro Dynamo, Duro Flex, Duro Derby


Phone no: 1800-345-3876


6 - National Ply

National Plywood is a premier manufacturer of Flush doors, plywoods, and blockboards. It is known for its excellent product quality and customer service.

Products: National Club Plus, National Platinum Club, National Titanium, Pioneer National, Prima National.


Phone no: 1800-313-6745


7 - Sharon Ply

SharonPly is a well-known plywood company known for its consistent innovation in plywood manufacturing technology. It is the only company to export its plywood to Japan.

Products: Sharon Platinum Ply, Gold Marine Ply, Gold MR ply, Sovereign 710 marine plywood


Phone no: 1800-313-6745


8 - Agni Ply

Agni Ply was established in the year 1997 with the goal of providing the highest quality plywood for its customers. It has kept its promise ever since. Now, it is a big brand having a great presence across India.

Products: Agni Platina, Emporia, Mingle


Phone no: 70277-74702


9 - Wigwam Plywood Company

Wigam started its operations in 2018 and within three years, it became one of the premium brands to produce high-quality plywoods. Wigwam is the first brand to offer high-definition techno-packed Ply-Board-Doors.


Phone no: 9797989797


10 - Archidply

Archidply is a popular plywood company that credits its innovative spirit to be an important asset for its growth. Archidply provides customers with numerous choices. They have 10 specialized laminates with 1000+ designs and 50+ textures.

Products: Platinum Prime, MR grade plywood gold, MR plywood classic, BWR plywood classic.


Phone no: 9711070340

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